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Policy Changes: Terrific News for Transportation and Remote Work

Policy Changes: Terrific News for Transportation and Remote Work

Sheik Hamdan drives major policy changes to implement D33

Dubai has approved plans to transform transportation, data, community participation and Gaming in the emirate. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai has approved major projects and policy changes. These changes are aiming to strengthen Dubai’s position as a leader in economic growth and a destination for global tourism. It also bring Dubai at the forfront of as a pivotal transport hub connecting continents.

“Dubai represents a bridge between North, South, East and West. It provides state-of-the-art infrastructure for companies, setting the foundation for global expansion. We aim to achieve balanced economic and social development through placing people at the heart of progress and by engaging Dubai’s community in designing its future”. Sheikh Hamdan stressed the importance of community participation in designing the future of Dubai.

The council also reviewed indicators that verified the rapid growth of Dubai. The Executive Council approved the Commercial Transport Strategy 2030 in line with the Dubai Economic Agenda D33. The administration, in line with D33, is aiming to nearly double the contribution of the commercial transport and logistics sector to the emirate’s economy to approximately AED16.8bn ($4.6bn), increasing technology adoption in infrastructure by 75 per cent.

Sustainability and Future-oriented Policy

Equally important, considering the future well-being of the emiraties, it includes objectives to reduce carbon emissions by 30%. This shows Dubai’s strong focus and constant attention to sustainability. The plan is aiming to improve operational efficiency by 10 per cent. Dubai aims to adopt several projects over the next seven years to support the sector’s growth and boost its competitiveness. Additionally, the plan is set to expand the implementation of flexible working hours and remote work policies. This will set an industry standard for various companies to follow. D33’s vision to put Dubai at the forefront of economic globalisation is in line with the introduction of better, convenient WFH policies.

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