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RemotePass launches Direct Employee to get better Tech in HR

RemotePass launches Direct Employee to get better Tech in HR

Kamal Reggad, CEO and Co-Founder of RemotePass

RemotePass, a global leader in contractor management and employer-of-record services, has launched ‘Direct Employee.’ This innovative solution empowers UAE companies to onboard, manage, and pay both local and global employees through a single platform. This applies to companies in free zones and the mainland.

Direct Employee enables businesses to create compliant employment contracts instantly. It also allows tracking expenses and time off, generating essential HR documents, and accessing comprehensive analytics and reports. Additionally, the solution offers convenient approval workflows and seamless integrations with popular tools like QuickBooks.

This product launch aligns with the UAE’s strategic goals to attract and retain top talent, both locally and internationally. According to the 2023 IMD World Talent Ranking, the UAE leads the Arab world in global talent competitiveness. This is due to factors like a high quality of life, attractive salaries, healthcare, education, and recent reforms. Direct Employee addresses critical HR and payroll challenges, supporting the UAE’s efforts to create a welcoming environment for skilled professionals.

Kamal Reggad, CEO and Co-Founder of RemotePass, shared the inspiration behind Direct Employee: “As a UAE-based company, we identified unique challenges, which inspired the development of Direct Employee. Last year, we built this product to support our local UAE employees and centralize all our HR and Payroll on RemotePass. After testing it with select clients earlier this year, we are excited to make it available to all our UAE clients. We’re eager to see how this will transform the way UAE businesses manage their local and global workforce.”

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Existing RemotePass clients in the UAE can try Direct Employee for free until September 31st, 2024, and experience the benefits firsthand. This trial offers a chance to see how the solution can streamline HR and payroll processes, making workforce management more efficient and effective.

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