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Exclusive Interview: Alaa Mohra speaks about the real-estate sector

Exclusive Interview: Alaa Mohra speaks about the real-estate sector

Alaa Mohra is the acting CEO at Uncle Fluffy Franchise, Real Estate Investor & Social Media Influencer. He has been investing in the real estate industry in Dubai for the past 15 years. He bought my first apartment at just 22 years old. He has invested in a lot of properties during this time and I have learned a lot of lessons; good ones and bad ones which he shares with The Technology Express during an exclusive interview.

Q. Where do you see the real estate market in Dubai heading?

I think that Looking at the short-term market trends would be of less relevance and prominence to the long-term investment capabilities that the real estate sector provides. When I invest in real estate, I invest to own and never sell, I invest to keep, I invest to protect my money. If you have this mentality and you keep it this way, you can never think of where the market is heading right now. I truly don’t care where the market is heading because I invest for the next 10-20 years and my parents and grandparents never thought of this because if they would’ve thought of this, I would’ve inherited so much real estate by now. But they didn’t and today I’m thinking real estate as an asset to own and never let go.

Q. What does it take for a person to be considered an entrepreneur?

I think it’s all about going down to the details and doing things and supervising on the smallest details, but at the same time, outsource the work that others can do. Whenever I do something, I always ask myself this question: Is there someone out there who found a better way to do this? And all I need to do is just pay them so they can do it better. This way I save my time, my energy and my money and I can put my efforts and focus in doing better things and more things.

Q. What advice do you have for startups?

I would advise to be careful with automation. I have seen so many business owners advising companies and startups to focus on automation and replace humans. This might work for you in the short term but in the long run, your clients and customers would run away because they still want to interact with humans. They don’t want to lose that energetic and positive feeling whenever they talk to a human.

Q. Where do you see the financial market heading?

Nobody can predict what could happen to the financial market because of you look at history, every time we had a bubble and this bubble exploded and made a mess, no one ever saw it coming. The only guy who saw the housing crisis coming in 2008 was rewarded by a movie, they made a movie about the guy who predicted the crisis, so any person who comes on media predicting a crisis, they are actually just guessing, and if there is a crisis that would happen in the near future, it’s not going to be for the reasons that everyone anticipates.

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Q. What message do you have for our readers?

The Technology Express is everywhere! Every time I go to a very insightful event, they are always there. They always document and ask very good questions. So I think it’s a very insightful magazine, I think you should continue to explore it because the team is fantastic. They look and dig deeper for information that can be exciting for their readers.

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