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Apple to Integrate AI in the Latest iOS version

Apple to Integrate AI in the Latest iOS version

Apple integrates AI in iOS 18

Apple has announced major plans to integrate generative AI into almost every aspect of its ecosystem. This initiative, called Apple Intelligence, was launched at the Worldwide Developers Conference in Cupertino, California. Apple Intelligence combines the power of generative models with personal context for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. This move aims to attract more customers and boost the company’s revenue.

Apple is competing with tech giants like Microsoft and Google in the AI industry. Industry analysts believe this is a strategic move to expand its services division and reduce reliance on hardware products. The developer beta version of iOS 18, which includes Apple Intelligence, is available now. A public beta will be available next month, with a full release later this year.

Privacy is a top priority for Apple. Apple has partnered with Microsoft-backed OpenAI to integrate its generative AI tool into Siri. This collaboration raises some privacy concerns, but Apple’s on-device processing aims to address these issues.

Apple Intelligence introduces new language capabilities in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. Users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text across various apps. Enhancements in Mail, Notes, and Phone apps will help users manage communications and recall key points from calls. Apple Intelligence relies on Private Cloud computing technology for more complex tasks, ensuring data privacy.

New features also include the Passwords app, which helps users manage passwords and verification codes. Users can lock and hide apps for added privacy. The latest operating system will also offer new accessibility updates, such as eye tracking for navigating the iPhone with just the eyes.

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Apple’s stock has seen a boost following these announcements. Analysts expect the product to enhance the company’s offerings, attract more users, and potentially boost sales. Last month, Apple reported a slight drop in net profit and revenue for the March quarter. However, the launch of Apple Intelligence is expected to drive future growth.

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