UAE installs smart fire alarm systems ‘Hassantuk’
It is true that smart fire alarm systems ‘Hassantuk’ had been installed in more than 26,065 homes in 2021. The Abu Dhabi Civil Defence Department has launched a new integrated electronic field survey system that will help monitor and determine the level of adherence to fire prevention and safety requirements in all buildings and vital facilities across the Emirate.
The move is to assess fire readiness in all buildings and facilities in Abu Dhabi through an integrated digital system.
The digital system links all buildings and other facilities to spatial data maps and will help firefighters plan and implement their tasks.
Lt Col Issa Abdullah Al Marzouqi, Director of Operations Department and Commander of Digital Transformation at the authority, explained that the system’s launch is in line with the strategic plans of the digital transformation team in cooperation with the Department of Municipalities and Transport.
“The system relies on integration with the systems of strategic partners to enable civil defense centres to impose the necessary measures to enhance fire prevention and safety requirements in sites and facilities, automate field operations, and build a database for the capabilities of the authority’s readiness, preparedness, response, and protection, in a manner that enhances protection of lives and property,” said Al Mazrouqi.
Captain Dr. Yazid Yaslam Al Kathiri, director of the Smart Inspection System initiative, said the system documents all rounds and plans of field surveys of sites and facilities. It links them to spatial data maps, from the planning stage of the field visit through the implementation to the evaluation stage and monitoring observations or violations.
Last year, the Ministry of Interior (MoI) announced that smart fire alarm systems ‘Hassantuk’ had been installed in more than 26,065 homes, including 10,800 homes for low-income families in the UAE over a period of three years.
The Intelligent Command and Control solution (Hassantuk) was launched in 2018 by the UAE Civil Defence under the direction of the MoI to monitor and detect fire and smoke alarms in commercial buildings and residential apartments.
In total, the Hassantuk programme aims to support the achievement of the UAE National Agenda in becoming one of the safest countries in the world as well as sustaining the reduction of the rate of fires and fire-related deaths compared to other countries worldwide, said authorities.