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Exclusive Interview: Hasan Algarhy speaks on Metaverse opportunities

Exclusive Interview: Hasan Algarhy speaks on Metaverse opportunities

Hasan Algarhy – Founder, Duverse

Q. Please start by introducing yourself

My name is Hasan Algarhy, I’m an architect, I started in the tech industry back in 2019 when I co-founded iDeezign which is a digital platform for designers and architects, and today we have more than 5000 registrations from more than 50 countries, and this year I decided to start my Metaverse platform given the momentum and the potential of the Metaverse.

Q. You call Duverse the first human-centric Metaverse, please elaborate on that

Sure, we think it’s very important that we take care of the mental health and we’ll being of the users of the Metaverse. This is actually something that many Metaverse platforms miss, and that is why we are developing standards and guidelines for human centricity of the Metaverse.

Q. What changes will the Metaverse bring to our traditional way of doing business?

It’s basically an evolution for the internet from a 2D experience to a 3D experience; for example if you’re doing a Zoom call on 2D you’ll have instead a fully immersive 3D experience which comes with a lot of opportunities, better interaction and much more.

Q. Is establishing business presence in the Metaverse of equal importance to both large enterprises and SMEs?

Yes definitely, starting business on the Metaverse is now important for SMEs, large groups and basically for everybody. It is the future. Other companies are starting now already and you shouldn’t be late in taking big decisions and starting your business on the Metaverse.

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Q. Will the Metaverse turn people away from actual social interaction or will it enhance it?

It will definitely enhance it. I mean think about how many hours you spend on your phone for a day; that’s 4-5 hours. It will almost be the same; just instead of having a simple 2D experience on your phone, you’ll have a fully immersive 3D experience, better e-commerce experience and better knowledge experience. It will definitely enhance the experience.

Q. What message do you have for our readers?

My message is start on the Metaverse now and don’t delay this. Thank you.

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