It is an open-source container management platform that is currently being implemented in almost every public cloud environment. It was predominantly developed at Google and is considered one of the first cloud-native technologies. It provides virtualization across the containers, eliminating the need to manage every container individually. It also offers automatic storage orchestration, so that users don’t have to worry about allocating and mounting storage spaces. Kubernetes is helping numerous companies with building, scaling, and managing their cloud applications and their dynamic lifestyles, and it is therefore the reason for its immense popularity as the companies are quite dependent on it. With all these features, Kubernetes is becoming the standard OS for deploying fast, modernized applications using containers.
Also developed by Google, gRPC is a remote procedural call framework that is entirely optimized for large-scale and multiplatform cloud-native architectures. It helps in connecting many services across many languages, including clouds and data centers and backend services. It is used by the leading universities, businesses, and technology companies due to its efficiency in scaling large architectures. gRPC supports a variety of languages and includes a variety of client libraries both for Android and iOS. It helps in improving the latency of remote procedural calls in difficult computing environments as well.
Istio is considered one of the popular cloud-native technologies that have been profusely used recently. It is a service mesh that aids the interconnection between multiple microservices that are required by an application. It enables complete control over the traffic and API calls between services so that it is easier to conduct tests and upgrade gradually. Istio also provides for automatic logging, tracing, and monitoring of all the services for closer scrutiny of interconnection between the microservices and is thus known for its non-intrusive deployment pattern.
Prometheus is used as a monitoring tool for all containerized applications and is now being implemented as the standard monitoring service for various container-based infrastructures. It is highly efficient in delivering real-time monitoring, alerting and time series databases that can further be easily integrated with many popular open-source tools for importing and exporting data. The time series data is stored in a disk in an efficient, custom format that enables massive scaling of applications without having to compromise on memory. Prometheus is a necessary tool that provides visibility into the architectures that use modern cloud-native technologies, including Kubernetes.