A new AI-generated TV show, “Nothing, Forever,” has gained a significant following on Twitch TV in a short span of time. The show is modelled after the format of the popular 1990s sitcom, “Seinfeld,” where a group of friends engage in discussions about their daily lives. The AI-generated series pays homage to the original show’s nickname of “the show about nothing.”
The show’s main character, Larry, is a comedian who performs stand-up comedy between scenes. The show takes place in Larry’s apartment, which is depicted as a computer-generated New York brownstone, similar to the location of the original sitcom.
The characters in “Nothing, Forever” include Larry, Fred, Yvonne, and Kackler, who is modelled after Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Elaine Benes, and Cosmo Kramer, respectively.
The show’s creator, Mismatch Media, is a media lab that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology to generate the witty scenarios and Larry’s stand-up comedy for “Nothing, Forever.”