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ChatGPT uncovers unclaimed cash for the CEO

ChatGPT uncovers unclaimed cash for the CEO

ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot, has been making waves with its ability to help users with various tasks. Recently, it reportedly helped a US CEO, Joshua Browder, find and claim his unclaimed money. Browder shared the experience on Twitter, revealing that he asked the ChatGPT browsing extension to find him some money. After providing the chatbot with his details, including his name, place, and date of birth, ChatGPT visited an obscure government website called the California State Controller to search for unclaimed refunds from companies that fail to contact their owners.

ChatGPT provided Browder with step-by-step instructions on how he could claim the money but was unable to complete the “reCAPTCHA verification” being an AI model. The chatbot directed him to the California State Controller’s Unclaimed Property Search Page, where he found unclaimed overpayments and refunds of $14.01 and $195.66 from two companies. Browder claimed the amount and received $209.67.

The incident showcases how AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT can be utilized for various purposes, including helping people find and claim their unclaimed money. As AI technology advances, it is expected that chatbots will become more sophisticated, efficient, and capable of handling more complex tasks.

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